Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week upday for Tuesday Morning

Yesterday I was able to work on the Pink afghan before I left for my appointment, I got all 10 rows done and I got some of the loose threads wove in, I hope to get the rest done today during TV time tonight.

I only got a few stitches done on Zach's gift, but a few stitches at a time adds up, once I finish the afghan I will have more time to work on that and my other projects.

Today I already took care of my two phone calls, and I am babysitting. When DD comes and gets the boys she is taking me to Vote, and I may go to one store but not much I want today, some good sales are coming out tomorrow. So though I wanted to stay in tomorrow I may end up going out, I am not sure yet.

I had a nice time doing some blog hopping last night but I stayed up a bit too late as a result, and getting the boys at 5:45 am mad it for even a shorter night to begin with. So tonight I need to remember to cut my time off early.

Till Later

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