Thursday, August 16, 2012


Well I will start with Wednesday..

I babysat the boys, and unk got us Mc Donald's, I did not leave the yard at all, so it was a no spend day. I just did routines and played with the boys.

Worked on crocheting some on the afghan.


Today was a bit of an ouch

  •  Paid one bill $125.
  •  Rode the bus $5.00 for a daily bus pass
  •  Burger King $11.58
  •  Marcs 2 pair of scissors that I really liked. $ 2.13
Was the bus necessary to pay the bill today yes it was, DD was not around today, and I was not walking the 5 miles each way to go pay it.

Burger King no it was not a necessity, but I was to tired and sore to stand in the kitchen and cook.

The scissors my one pair got lost some where in DD's move and I needed another pair. Since they were only $.99 a pair I bought two.

I had no boys today, my day off I did a load of kitchen laundry, that is kitchen towels, dish rags, cloth napkins and place mats.

A load of Whites for DD I was working on some stains on her work shirt. then I did a load of whites of ours. They all are dried or drying on the line.

I crochet some today, I took it on the bus with me to work on a bit on the bus, as well as here at home some.

Till later


  1. Some days, I do good to get the dogs outside. Other days. I get in a couple of walks around the campground. Each step helps.

    1. YOu do wonderful with the craft letter every day I so enjoy it!!
