Monday, February 18, 2013

My Week end

I spent the week end with my Friend Chris, We went to a dinner that her one DD volunteers at I had Roast beef and a baked potato and green beans, then we stoped at Wal Mart, and met my DD there to pass my Grandson to them, then We went to Chris' house.

Saturday we went to her future DIL's Baby Shower

We has a real nice time there lots of food and fun. See all the food behind the Mommy to be.

They received lots of nice gifts, and had lots of Friends and family there, we had 50 some  chair set up and there were people standing.

Received lots of diapers though not all of them were decoration like this..

You can see in the top the gifts even before people started to arrive.
This was made by the Great Grandma to be, she is in Fla. She will be here shortly after the baby is born.
The new parents needed 2 vans to take everything home.
After that Chris and I went home and it was Nap time, then we went and watched Ray her hubby bowl, and we ate wings and loaded fries. By time we went home i was time to wind down for the night since we had to be out early, Chris and Ray had a load going to Virgina Sunday.
Sunday I came home, spent time with my DD and just relaxed some.
A good week end for me. Tuesday I go for my first follow up from the surgery.
Now back to my crocheting

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